2016 Bond Information
2016 Bond Information
PF&R Facility Needs AssessmentPhilomath Fire & Rescue "Who We Are" BrochurePhilomath Fire & Rescue Bond PresentationBond Cost SummaryAdopted Contingency PlanStandard of Coverage 2013Master Plan 2015Master Plan Supplementary InformationFAQsFacilities
The construction on Station 201 is complete! Stop by for a tour!

New 221 has arrived and has been outfitted with equipment for response. We have also ordered and are waiting on construction of the Quint. The Quint apparatus will be able to respond to a wider variety of emergency calls and will move into our first-out vehicle position.

We have purchased new Holmatro hydraulic equipment. These tools are used for extrication during motor vehicle crashes. Our personnel had the chance to go through an 8 hour extrication class in May, an opportunity to work with the equipment and demonstrate its capacity and improved features. Additional medical bags and equipment have been purchased to outfit the additional staff rigs.